Cats, Rats & Lovebirds
Double dates are always somewhat complicated. And when a former couple meets with their new respective partners, it’s usually not a sign of particular harmony. »Cats, Rats & Lovebirds« pictures the immaculate (bad) course of the evening and offers the audience inside views of the relationships of four very different personalities. Could be perfect,… if only there weren’t this salt shaker, crystal structures, and the damn Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle…
Within the framework of the Wissenstransferzentrum West (WTZW), the Kunstuniversität Linz works on new and alternative strategies for science communication. In continuation of the three movies »Maybe Palermo«, »Rhinospider – An Operation In Three Acts« and »Battery Betty« this sucessfull science movie series is now completed with »Cats, Rats & Lovebirds«, a cinematic approach to basic research. The fourth and also last project of it’s kind deals with fundamental aspects of Silicon photonics and in particular electrically-driven Germanium quantum dot lasers towards on-chip applications.
This chamber play from long drinks to quantum physics and nanolasers was developed in close collaboration between the WTZW, Moritz Brehm and Martyna Grydlik from the Institute of Semiconductor and Solid State Physics at the Johannes Kepler University Linz and Luzi Katamay and Christian Dietl from LAS GAFAS FILMS.